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Copy of Victory in biology, physics and chemistry competitions

Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia is organizing a tournament for students in biology, chemistry, mathematics and physics for the third year. 9th graders of public and private schools participate in the team competition. This year our school students have participated in three disciplines. They were competing their peers n Biology, Chemistry and Physics. It is noteworthy that such kind of team competition is the only one Georgia so far. Students reveal their research skills in different problem-solving process which is reflected in working on corresponding theory, planning and implementing an experiment, recording data, making conclusions, representing own versions convincingly. The Jury is composed by top scientists. Our students gained great success. They gained firs place in the section of Bilogy Second place in the section of Chemistry Third place in the section of Physics Best results were also shown by the following schools: Bilogy Georgian-American High School Buckswood International School Anabasisi Physics Komarovi School Komarovi School Georgian-American High School Chemistry Physics-Math School of Batumi Georgian-American High School Anabasisi Winner students were awarded by Ministry of Science and Education of Georgia with international excursions. Laboratories of CERN (Switzerland) and Koperniki (Poland) are still awaiting our students. School administration congratulates them on this huge success. Lots of international conferences and Olympiads are ahead!


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